CD Release Party


Well, it’s official we are now planning our CD Release Party! We are so excited to announce this! We are planning the event for some time in January, probably the weekend of January 11th- so make sure to mark your calendars so you can be there!

Creating the CD was an amazing experience from start to finish. As with all projects, it seems to always take longer than expected- but that’s just a part of life.

Recording and performing music are also two different art forms. When recording, you have to go through time and time again to make sure you get the best takes possible. Whereas with performing, whatever way you play that song live- there’s no stopping! We appreciate both arts, as there is a magic and beauty to both.

Check back here soon as we’ll be running some contests and giving away free tickets to the CD release party and signed merchandise! Please comment below if you have any song requests or sign our mailing list to make sure to hear about Days Alone News FIRST!


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